MAR 30 - APR 1, 2020

OCT to compete in premier Global Competition for Emerging Companies that “Bend the Arc of Human Potential”

HONG KONG -- Feburary 27, 2020 –Oral Chinese Test (OCT) was announced as one of the Elite 200 companies who will compete in the GSV Cup and will now present at the 2020 ASU GSV Summit. The ASU GSV Summit gathers leaders in government, education, and work advancing social and economic mobility by bending the arc of human potential through innovation. Three companies will be chosen as finalists during the Summit, receiving a prize package of $250,000 in cash and $100,000 in Google Cloud credits.

Oral Chinese Test (OCT) is a revolutionary Mandarin assessment platform for students and employees. Mandarin is on demand as there are more than 100 million people learning it as a second language. "Everybody should teach their children and grandchildren Mandarin” said Jim Rogers, the prominent American investor. Being bilingual adds more advantage at school and workplace as we are living in an increasingly diverse world.

OCT Competency Report provides six-dimensional indications of learners’ Mandarin strengths and weaknesses and helps them improve proficiency. The Ministry of Education of China recognizes OCT’s certificate with accreditation links to international standard including Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) and Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

“At OCT, we use AI and voice recognition on multiple platforms to assess Mandarin learners from school to workplace. Our aim is to provide the tech-savvy generation a convenience mean to assess their proficiency and achieve an accredited certificate.” says Tony Pang, Director of OCT. “We want to share our vision and there isn’t a more impactful gathering of people working in education, finance and technology than the ASU GSV Summit. We are thrilled to be selected as one of the Elite 200 companies in the world and we can’t wait to share our vision with the greatest mind in the summit” he added.

The GSV Cup is a unique cross-sector competition -- spanning “pre-K to gray” sectors, including technologies in corporate learning and talent management, workforce analytics, early childhood, K-12, HireED and postsecondary education. The Elite 200 represent 21 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, North America, and South America.

The 2020 ASU GSV Summit will be held from March 30 to April 1 in San Diego. The 2019 Summit drew 5,000 attendees from over 45 countries, including more than 300 investors representing $7+ trillion of capital.

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